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Registration OPENS in JULY

2024 Conference Schedule
Catch The Fire - Igniting a Fiery Passion For God

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Conference Team 2024
They are gathering to lead us into a new season

Patricia Bootsma
Featured SpeakerPatricia Bootsma and her husband have been pastoral leaders with Catch the Fire Ministries for 30 years, mostly out of Canada. They are the CTF USA National Outreach Directors and pastors of Catch the Fire Kansas City. Patricia also works as the Global Prayer Director for Israel with JH Israel, leading an online House of Prayer for Israel with 28 nations involved. Patricia has authored four books, including Raising Burning Hearts: Parenting and Mentoring Lovers of God. She and her husband, John, have six children and eight grandchildren who passionately love Jesus.

Tammy Adamo
Founder/Featured SpeakerTammy Adamo is the founder of ROAR in the Valley™ Ministries as well as an ordained Pastor, a gifted Leader, Teacher and Preacher with a unique ability to encourage and empower women from around the world. She believes that as a myriad of women gather from all walks of life and from various Christian denominations to understand truly “Who they are in JESUS” that they will RISE UP and become JESUS’ Ambassadors in today’s desperate, dying and unloving world.

Sandra Falkenstine
Breakout Speaker #1Sandra ministers as a teacher with a strong prophetic anointing. She effectively teaches the Word of God so it can be applied to the life of the believer. Sandra's greatest joy is to minister to individuals for them to develop the potential that is within them and to fulfill destiny in their lives.

Vanessa Trinidad
Breakout Speaker #2Vanessa Trinidad is an on-fire believer in Jesus Christ who is an active member of her local church. She has ministered in the youth ministry for 21 years. She has been a part of leading outreaches for 6 years, impacting thousands of people. She is the founder and leader of All4God, a dance ministry at Central Assembly of God, the co-founder of Word On The Way, a non-profit organization that spreads the Gospel, a wife of 1 and mom of 4. Her desire is to see people saved, restored, and empowered to live an abundant life in Christ!

Thalia Garcia
Breakout Speaker #3Thalia is a proud graduate of East Stroudsburg University. She is a loving wife and mother to three beautiful children. Thalia is a passionate Worship Leader in pursuit of nothing else but God’s heart and perfect will. She serves on the intercessory team and the Healing rooms at Kingdom Life Family Center. Thalia Leads the Young Adults Ministry alongside her Husband Carlos. She has served on the ROAR in the Valley planning team for the last 3 years and has helped birth a new ministry for young women called Lioness ARISE Encounter. Thalia has a heart for her generation and a passion for the Lord.

Keren Lozada
MCKeren Loves Jesus and people! She is passionate about using her leadership gift and caring nature to help others! Keren was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She loves to laugh, sing, and serve through teaching, coaching, preaching, worship, and bilingual interpretation. Together with her husband, their goal is to encourage the Church to promote social action, train faithful disciples, and develop leaders for the betterment of society. Keren and her husband, Steven, reside in the Lehigh Valley and are proud parents of their daughter, Gabriella Faith and son, Steven Ethan.

Carmela Reimer
Worship LeaderCarmella Reimer is an intercessory Missionary currently serving the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri (IHOPKC). She holds a leadership role and has served on various worship teams in the 24/7 Global Prayer Room for over 9 years, as well as travelling throughout the US. Her energy and devotion to this Calling is seen as she ministers and spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ through prophetic worship and prayer.
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How has ROAR impacted you?

“I now see myself in a completely new way. I am not defeated and I am more than a conqueror in Christ. The negative things that have happened to me will not hold me down.”

“I have never felt so alive and connected to Christ in worship as I did at this conference. There is a change going on, woo – hoo.”

“At Friday nights service I experiences a true good fulfilling intoxication, I learned what it is to be drunk in the spirit and full of joy and Gods love.”